Today I’m going to try and write about how emotional trauma is connected to the energy that flows through us and how that relates to the ways in which the monster operates. As I mentioned in “The Monster – An Introduction” it is likely that the monster operates in different ways depending on the subjective experiences of each person.
A brief example may be; If someone has lost a loved one they may find it difficult to start a new relationship as the monster will be predicting that they will also lose them. Or, if someone has had or witnessed an unpleasant accident then the monster may well tell them that’s going to happen to them or their loved ones. The monster is a devious bastard and it really will use any way it can to suggest that the worst possible things will happen to us. There are so many different ways it can do this but it often reverts to the same underlying judgments: “You’re not good enough, you’re not brave enough, nothing good will come of this.” And so the judgements and predictions go on and on. When we listen to this terrible voice, the quality of our lives really suffers. I know, I did for many years. It wasn’t until I was taught to ignore it that the process of “Real Healing” could begin.
Above I said I would “Try” to write about this subject. That is because a lot of what I write about is to do with the energy flows that are intrinsic to every human being that has, does and will exist. The problem is that it’s not directly observable or measurable. However it functions nonetheless, like gravity, doesn’t matter if you believe in it or no. If you stopped believing in it you wouldn’t be likely to start floating off the planet would you?
I can write about this subject with some authority because I can observe changes within myself and my energy and my physical body. And seeing as my energy and physicality works in the same manner as all humans, I believe that it is translatable to all of you.
Trauma can come in many ways, physical or psychological. I would say that what happens in the energetic body is much the same as what happens on a physical level after a traumatic event. When a bone is broken or a tendon snapped, other tissue around the area will tighten up, compensate or scar. When we are presented with an event that induces emotional trauma, our energetic body will also constrict. Although western medicine is slow to acknowledge subtle energies of the body, it is well documented that a sudden grievance can give rise to something called “broken heart syndrome”. I am certain that this is caused by an energetic constriction afflicting that organ.
Through other experiences and long term involvement with various methods of energy work and yoga, I would also say that there are many areas of the body that can be affected by emotionally traumatic incidents. The solar plexus, sacral area, lower back and even the hips seem to be of high vulnerability. I remember teaching one of my first professional yoga classes in Morocco, a 6ft French guy came to speak to me after class, we were doing a hip opening class that worked deep into the muscle and tissue around the hips, he had tears in his eyes. From that time and many other observable occasions, it became clear to me that emotional pain has a way of becoming stored within the body.
I would look at these emotional blockages like stones in a river. The more stones we have in the river the less well it flows, the stones are the traumas we encounter and some may be outright boulders. They build up and build up causing a clogged stream and in the context of the physical body stop our energy from flowing well. This can lead an unbalanced energetic system and onto physical pain and illness.
So how does this tie in with the monster? That’s a tricky one to answer and I can only really speak from my experience here.
For me, mostly it was a feeling of inadequacy, the feeling of not being good enough. Any under achievement, failing, losing, criticism would trigger strong emotions within me. Chances were that I’d lose my temper and let it out on others. This is a classic monster manoeuvre and ironically feeds back in to those unpleasant feelings of being useless/worthless. An awful self fulfilling cycle.
It’s not until the monster is deactivated and those stuck emotions can be audited, processed and released, that we can achieve real healing. This is essentially what this blog is all about.
It’s almost as if the monster draws it’s power from these stuck emotions, and uses it against us. The process of real healing aims to disempower the monster and step by step get rid of the emotional minefield caused by past trauma. Be warned; the monster hates losing it’s power over us and the shift from operating under its influence to that of operating outside its influence is a difficult and treacherous path.