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The Healing Journey, bit by bit.

Real Healing


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If you are new to "Real Healing", read these posts first.  It will give you the best overview of what this blog site is all about.

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Hi!  My name is Paul.  I've been on a journey of healing for some time now.

I observe that emotional health and objectivity is really critical to living a more balanced life.  This is the main topic of my blog, what I learned and how I got there.  These are all posts under "Real Healing".  I also write occasionally about other topics and share some creative writing.

If you are stuck on the spiritual path and find yourself lost and confused (as I did), please read my blog.  It might give you some insight and help you on your path to real healing.

One day I hope to share the tools I have learnt.  For now I just hope that what I write may be of use to you in your spiritual journey and may lead you to healing and freedom from the ego.

With love to you on your journey!



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The very most empowering way to heal is on your own.  We all have the innate ability once we are taught HOW.

SHEN therapy is a helping hand, and one of the only "energy" techniques I have encountered that helps to realease stuck emotions.

I highly reccomend it.


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